Heather den Houting

Rev. Heather den Houting – Chair

Heather was appointed as the General Secretary of the Uniting Church in Australia, Queensland Synod in June 2016. Heather serves across a range of Church Boards and commissions with the Uniting Church at national, state and local levels. Heather has a background in law including government, community, and private practice. She is a Graduate of the Australia Institute of Company Directors and holds degrees in Economics, Law, and Theology and post-graduate qualifications in Management.

Mark Kickett

Mark Kickett – Board Member

Mark is a Noongar man from the south west of Western Australia and the Interim National Chair of the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress (UAICC). Mark has worked in Government, Community Services, and congregations, and has served as a minister in churches in Brisbane, Perth, Broken Hill, and Kalparrin.

Colleen Geyer

Colleen Geyer – Board Member

Colleen is the General Secretary of the Uniting Church National Assembly. She has held executive leadership positions across the community services work of the Uniting Church for over ten years, and leadership roles with the Church, at both state and national levels for twenty years, including serving on Councils of the Church and numerous governance groups. She has extensive experience in organisational strategy, leadership development, innovation, ethics and environmental sustainability; and building programs for culture change and engagement.

Aunty Dianne Torrens

Aunty Dianne Torrens – Board Member

Aunty Dianne Torrens is a Widjabal woman and Githabul woman of the Bundjalung Nation from the Northern Rivers. She was a founding member of the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress (UAICC) in NSW and one of the first five Aboriginal women to be made a Uniting Church in Australia Elder. Aunty Dianne and her husband Tim Torrens initiated the “Walking on Bundjalung Country”, inviting non-Aboriginal people to join them for a time of learning, connection, and sharing.

Ben Cohen

Ben Cohen – Board Member

Ben has over 60 years of experience in investment banking, accounting, information technology and strategic development. A member of Toorak Uniting Church, Ben has been serving the Uniting Church in an official capacity since 1989, contributing to numerous Boards and committees including a 10-year membership of the Assembly Finance Audit and Risk Committee.

Dorothy Creek – Board Member

Dorothy Creek – Board Member

Dorothy has served on the Frontier Services Board since 2016. As a farmer living in rural NSW all her life, Dorothy brings a valuable grassroots perspective to the Board. She knows only too well the reality of living on the land. Dorothy is also a lay preacher and a foundation member of the Uniting Church in Australia Riverina Presbytery.

Tim Ford

Tim Ford – Board Member

Tim was appointed to the Frontier Services Board in 2021, carrying forward a family legacy of involvement with the organisation. He operates a leadership advisory practice serving Boards and Executive Teams in a range of areas encompassing succession planning, developmental assessments, team optimisation, and executive coaching.