Amazing Grace – Stories of faith and friendship from outback Australia

Acclaimed Australian writer Bill ‘Swampy’ Marsh has published a collection of stories about faith in the outback, including many tales from Frontier Services’ Patrol Ministers, past and present. In his book, Amazing Grace, Bill presents an array of first-hand stories from (and about) priests, pastors, preachers and ministers working in remote and regional Australia. The …

Frontier Services appoints new Acting National Director

Frontier Services board wishes to advise that the Reverend Scott Kelly has resigned from the position of National Director of Frontier Services as from Friday 10 October 2014. The Board accepts his resignation and wishes to thank Scott for the important contribution he has made to Frontier Services since May. In particular, the Board wishes …

Gone Fishin’ in Cape York Patrol

If you live within cooee of the Cape York Patrol of Australia and you have anything to do with Frontier Services, chances are you’ll end up fishing. Rev Ron Watson is Frontier Services Patrol Minister in the Cape York Patrol and an avid fisherman. It’s a region where the fish are bountiful, the crocs are …

102 years of a Mantle of Safety

Frontier Services celebrates 102 years of a Mantle of Safety   Friday, 26 September, marks the 102nd anniversary of Rev John Flynn being commissioned to head the Australian Inland Mission. Flynn’s vision was to spread across the Inland a ‘Mantle of Safety’, bringing aviation, radio, medicine, spiritual comfort, gladness and rejoicing to the lonely and …

Men’s Health in Remote Australia – The Great Divide

There’s a romantic notion of an Aussie bloke from the bush: rugged, indestructible and tough. While this may be true, there’s another side to the real life story of men’s health in remote Australia. Research shows that men in remote Australia are in poorer health; both mentally and physically, compared to their city counterparts. Some …

Frontier Services: Bringing Joy to the Cunnamulla Patrol

Rev Sunil Kadaparambil is currently completing his Uniting Church studies, and joins Frontier Services in the Cunnamulla Patrol. After being a Catholic priest for nine years in India, and then nearly three years in Australia, Sunil, who has always had a passion for mission, joined the Uniting Church. “From my childhood onwards I had a …

The Men’s Issue: August Frontier News Out Now.

The Men’s Issue: August Frontier News Out Now Much as we ‘know’ it, statistics prove that there is a great divide between men living in metropolitan Australia, and those who live in remote and very remote Australia. The August edition of Frontier News has just been released and we look at ‘Men’s Issues’. We take …

Outback Links delivers hands-on help to remote families

Outback Links has matched 13 families with volunteer help since the program relaunched at the beginning of the month, and more assistance is on the way. With the program back in operation, volunteers are responding with enthusiasm and eagerness to get out and help, while families and individuals have expressed how thankful they are to …