Kalgoorlie-Boulder migrants tour Super Pit

Kalgoorlie-Boulder migrants tour Super Pit

Recently arrived migrants in the Kalgoorlie-Boulder community took a close-up look at the region’s mining industry with a tour of the Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mines (KCGM) Super Pit on Saturday, 22 June. The migrants, mostly women, travelled alongside giant dump trucks through the Super Pit. Measuring 3.6km long, 1.5km wide and 500m deep, the Super Pit is …

Working together in the Snowy River Region

Working together in the Snowy River Region

Since arriving in Orbost in May last year, Snowy River Patrol Minister Rev Rowena Harris has travelled through the ranges of remote Victoria, meeting many residents and the few other professionals who cross paths with hers, as they move between Tubbut, Bendoc, Delegate and surrounding locations. Not many go into the mountains. As government services are …

A helping hand makes all the difference

A helping hand makes all the difference

When John and Shan Sharp pulled into the driveway at Lexington Station and asked how they could lend a hand, it could not have been better timing for Kassi Crocker. The retired couple who are travelling across Australia spent three weeks at the property, 60km outside of Emerald, where Kassi and her husband Tim, with …

Patrol Minister Dennis Cousens farewells Cunnamulla

Patrol Minister Dennis Cousens farewells Cunnamulla

Of all the things he has encountered in the past five years travelling back and forth across the outback of southwest Queensland, and there have been quite a lot, Rev Dennis Cousens says the thing that stands out most is the optimism and the faith of the people. Dennis finishes up as the Cunnamulla Patrol …