Learning on a full tummy
In a primary school in South Gippsland, school kids can now start their day of learning on a full tummy. Others now have a safe, comfy space to retreat to when things are overwhelming. While older kids going to high school finally have a computer to access classwork.
And it’s all thanks to an extraordinary partnership between you, our Bush Chaplain, local schools and community groups, and The Flora & Frank Leith Charitable Trust.
Helping those who can’t get help.
Bush Chaplain Veronica Bradley could see the need. She spent her days helping all those who fell through the cracks of government or agency support. “I help people who can’t get help anywhere else,” she explains.
She helps the mum who’s overwhelmed with caring for kids with special needs. She helps the people in the community experiencing addiction or homelessness. They trust her.
Bush Chaplain Veronica doesn’t come with an agenda or with complicated forms – she comes with pure compassion and practical help.
So when local schools told her about kids who were missing out at school because of financial disadvantage, Frontier Services sprang into action. We found a grant from The Flora & Frank Leith Charitable Trust, who fund projects in Victoria aimed at making a cost-effective, demonstrable, and sustainable difference to children, youth, and families.
Practical support with a huge impact
The grant aims to ensure that children within disadvantaged families or communities have access to the same educational outcomes as their peers, through financial relief to parents struggling to fund educational costs such as uniforms, sporting events, excursions, textbooks, and the transition to high school.
Bush Chaplain Veronica worked with each school individually to find out who was most in need and what they needed.
For some children, it’s as simple as learning on a full tummy.
One school needed a breakfast program for kids who were coming to school early or with nothing to eat. The school ran a food program during COVID lockdowns and the demand is still there.
Another school needed funds for a “wellbeing corner” in the classroom. They received beanbags, weighted lap pillows, and squishy toys to give kids a place to calm down and reset.
Other students didn’t have computers at home. Going into high school, they needed the internet every day to access Google Classroom for homework tasks, online textbooks and apps. Through Veronica’s community connections, she was able to secure home computers and laptops at a fraction of the commercial price.