New National Director for Frontier Services Announced

New National Director for Frontier Services Announced

I am very pleased to announce that Frontier Services has a new National Director. The Uniting Church in Australia welcomes the appointment of Rev Scott Kelly.

Rev Kelly is a deacon of the Uniting Church with wide experience in engaging with government at senior levels and leading innovative justice programs. Prior to becoming a minister he worked as a geologist in the oil and gas industry in Papua New Guinea.

The appointment was approved by the Assembly Standing Committee at its meeting in Sydney from 21-23 March where they also appointed a new National Director for UnitingWorld.

Assembly President Rev Prof Andrew Dutney has warmly welcomed the appointment of Rev Scott Kelly at Frontier Services and Rev Rob Floyd as National Director to UnitingWorld.

“I welcome their service and leadership in the Church, and the part they will play in helping us live out our calling to be a fellowship of reconciliation and an instrument through which Christ may work and bear witness to himself,” said Rev Prof Dutney.

Both Rev Scott Kelly and Rev Rob Floyd will commence their new roles from 1 May 2014.

“I commend Scott to you as he takes on this role and thank you for your support and encouragement while I’ve been Interim National Director” – Rev Alan White.