A day out in Esperance

A day out in Esperance

RIMG4627It is amazing what can be achieved when the whole community comes together. Recently, West Nullarbor Patrol Minister Rob Dummermuth, who is chaplain at the Esperance Aged Care Facility, joined with 40 volunteers to take all the residents of the service out for a special morning tea.

It was a wonderful occasion for the residents to go on a trip together and feel a part of the wider community.

The combined effort that made it all possible involved Rob and Baptist Pastor Chris
Boland working together to organise the day. Esperance Deep Sea Fishing Club hosted the residents at the club and catered for the morning tea while about 20 Year 7 students from the local Catholic School took on the role of waiters and spent time talking with the residents.

Two buses transported the residents to the morning tea and other volunteers assisted on the day. The trusty Frontier Services Patrol vehicle and trailer was
used to transport all the wheelchairs and walking frames.

It was the fifth morning tea which has been organised in a similar fashion with a different club in the community hosting the seniors each time.

“We try and do it at least once or twice a year,” said Rob. “The residents really have a fabulous time. Smaller groups go out for activities on a regular basis but this is one of the rare occasions where they go out as a whole group. It gets them out for something a bit different.”

Esperance Aged Care is a community-run facility. The oldest resident turns 105 in a couple of weeks.

Rob credits his fellow church leader Chris for coming up with the idea of the morning teas and convincing the local bus company to supply the buses to transport the residents.

As part of his role as Patrol Minister, Rob became chaplain at the aged care facility about six years ago. He usually visits the service two or three times a week except for when he is away on Patrol.

In fact, it is quite a family affair. Rob’s two daughters work at the facility as a Registered Nurse and Carer, his granddaughter works in the kitchen and his wife Barbara helps with the admin.

As chaplain, Rob supports both the residents and the staff at the facility.

“I am there for them and their concerns,” he said.