Warragul grandparents lend a hand in the outback

You cannot question the commitment of Warragul’s Denis and June Bright to provide a helping hand. The grandparents travelled some 2500km to help ease the load for a family in outback north Queensland. The Brights are volunteers with the Frontier Services Outback Links program which …

School year wraps up for students in Audley House

The end of the school year will be especially exciting for the nine students who live in Audley House, the Frontier Services Student Group Home in Atherton. When these students finish the school year, they will return to their family homes scattered across north Queensland, …

Providing a healthy start for Indigenous school children

Dishing up tasty and nutritious meals for school children in Alice Springs, Hermannsburg and Mutitjulu is giving students a healthy start in their education. Every day, Frontier Services prepares meals for nearly 250 children in seven schools across Alice Springs. Another 150 children attending Ntaria …

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