Bridging the Digital Divide

Bridging the Digital Divide

Broadband BushIn times where mobile technology is readily available and we’re constantly on our smart phones to find something out online, it is important for us to appreciate that not everyone in Australia has that luxury.
Sadly, for parts of rural and remote Australia, access to technology is slow, poor quality and more expensive. In some areas, there is no service at all.
Frontier Services is committed to digital equality and inclusion of remote and rural Australia and is a dedicated member of the Broadband for the Bush Alliance. This is a group of organisations that are committed to the digital equality and inclusion of remote and rural Australia.
The Broadband for the Bush Alliance has been set up to coordinate and support trials, conduct research and to advocate for the best possible access to bridge the divide between city and country in the digital economy.
Peter Ryan, National Operations Manager at Frontier Services said: “We might take mobile and internet technology for granted but when your nearest neighbour can be hundreds of kilometres away, this technology is even more important in connecting people’s lives.
He emphasised the importance of both fixed and mobile services for people to access healthcare, banking services, business and for social connection.
“We want to see that communities anywhere in Australia can truly participate in the national and global digital economy.”
The Broadband for the Bush Alliance has been set up to bring about practical outcomes to improve communications everywhere.
For further information on the Broadband for the Bush Alliance visit their website.