Janet Fletcher (nee Guy); Edith farms, NT

Janet Fletcher (nee Guy); Edith farms, NT

Outback CallingI was appointed to birdsville Hospital with the AIM in the 1970s. It was an amazing experience which I hold in my heart forever.

Later I married a farmer and, after we lost our farm, we again served with Frontier services for 4 years at The Monument.

25 years ago I gave birth to my Frontier services baby, Peter, after being flown in to Mt Isa Hospital by RFDS.

Peter has just welcomed a baby girl and now is married and lives in Katherine where he works in the NT Police dept helping disengaged kids.

Peter was christened on the lawn of the hospital by Padre Bob Heathwood.

… More tales of Janet’s work across remote Australia can be found in her book ‘Outback Calling’.