A Show of support for remote Australia

A Show of support for remote Australia

Visitors to the Royal Adelaide Show are sending a resounding message of support to people living at the heart of Australia.

Message Ambo ladies cropSA mobile ambulance ladies Chris and Karen share their message of support with Patrol Minister John DihmFrontier Services is asking people at the Show to stop and have their photo taken holding a message of support to share with the people of remote Australia. With just three days left at the Show, many people have been eager to show how much they value people living in remote Australia and the contribution they make.

This show of Support is significant in light of a report released in Canberra on Monday which found that people living in remote Australia feel forgotten and disempowered in the face of the rapid urbanisation of the nation.

The report, Fixing the Hole in Australia’s Heartland, released by RemoteFOCUS and based on three years of consultation, called on all levels of government to address the disconnect and discontent felt by people in remote areas.

The messages people have been holding include the words: “You are the heart of our nation” and “The heart of the outback is more than iron and coal, it is the people”.

If you are not able to attend the Adelaide Show you can still send a message of support. Write your message on a piece of paper and take a photo of yourself holding that message. Then upload the photo at www.supportremoteaustralia.com.au.

The team from Frontier Services collecting messages includes Patrol Ministers John Dihm and Jenny Swanbury who provide pastoral support to people living in isolated areas of South Australia. Their support is vital to ensuring people in remote areas do not feel alone.