February Frontier News is Out Now

February Frontier News is Out Now

FN Feb 14The latest edition of February Frontier News has hit the shelves this week. In this quarter’s edition we focus on ‘Family’. While 2014 is the United Nations International year of Family Farming, at Frontier Services, we believe that every year is the year of family farming.

In the February Frontier News we look at family farm succession planning.
Farming is a tough existence, and planning for the future is often a challenge. Read all about the Reynolds family and how they’ve been navigating this tricky issue.

We also take a snapshot of just one of the volunteer groups who donate to a number of charities – a part of the Uniting Church family.

Read about some of Frontier Services’ family too: our Childcare workers with the families they look after daily, our new Patrol Ministers joining us, and some wise words from our former Frontier Services’ National Director, Rev Gray Birch. He shares one of his stories and a reflection.

To get your copy of Frontier News delivered to your door each quarter fill out this form or alternatively you can download the magazine here.