Frontier Services Representatives meet with Balonne Shire Council

Frontier Services Representatives meet with Balonne Shire Council

Bollon Pic

A meeting between members of Balonne Shire Council including the Mayor, Cr Donna Stewart and the CEO Peter O’May and Rev Alan White, Interim National Director and Karen Harvey, Queensland Regional Director on Monday 21st October agreed to jointly produce a new application for funding for the Bollon Bush Nursing Centre that will include an approach to the Queensland department of Health for funding of Acute Care.

For the last 12 years the Bollon Bush Nursing Centre has been run by Frontier Services, an agency of the Uniting Church in Australia, dedicated to providing support for those who live in remote areas of Australia and started by Rev John Flynn who appears on the back of the $20 note.

The Service provides Aged Care, Emergency Care, Acute Care and Primary Care which are collectively the responsibility of both the Australian and Queensland Governments to the Bollon Community. However the only recurrent funding received is from the Department of Health and Ageing for the provision of Aged Care.

That funding is insufficient to sustain the clinic and does not provide for the replacement of medical equipment necessary to maintain the service to the high standard required.

Frontier Services, a not for profit organisation, could not sustain the service in its present form and is seeking to explore different
ways of continuing the service.

We are gratified for the support of the Minister and the Community and look forward to seeing a positive outcome for the people of the Bollon Community.