Volunteer of the Year Award

Volunteer of the Year Award

We are very honoured to be a finalist for our recognized work with our volunteer program. Outback Links has been placed as finalists in four categories; Excellence in Volunteer Management, Senior Volunteer of the Year, NSW Volunteer of the Year Corporate Team, as well as NSW Volunteer of the Year Volunteer Team. We are immensely grateful for our incredible volunteers as well as our partnerships for giving up their precious time to gear up and travel thousands of kilometres to show up at properties who are doing it tough out bush. Without our volunteers outstanding contributions and efforts, we wouldn’t be able to continue to bring hope and resources to those living in isolation.

NSW Volunteer of the Year Award

 (Photo: NSW Volunteer of the Year Awards – Chris representative from NRMA & Michelle from Frontier Services)

Our Outback Links connects skilled volunteers with people in remote Australia who are doing it tough. It is a unique, Australia wide service with a legacy of more than 1200 volunteers. The Outback Links Program brings volunteers from various backgrounds and locations who share a passion for “giving back” and helping support people out bush. Our amazing volunteers help provide emotional and practical support through physical presence, and we work in solidarity with farmers because we believe in the right of rural Australians to a fair go.