The most incredible people
Every day, I meet the most incredible people in my job here at Frontier Services.
And every day, I am humbled by the courageous spirit of the people we help, and the people who help them – kind and generous people like you.
I think of Scott and Jenny, who you’ll meet in the most recent issue of Frontier News. They’ve been through the wars with Jenny’s health: breast cancer followed by leukaemia. Scott has been torn between trying to care for Jenny and taking care of the farm, all while juggling paid work just to keep his farm and his family going.
And I think of our amazing Outback Links volunteers, like Ron and Gwen, two retirees who graciously gave up their time to travel hundreds of kilometres to help people in need.
Most of all, I think of you and the generosity you show through your support. Your kindness stretches right across Australia, bringing comfort, hope, and strength to people who need it most.
It’s a privilege for me to share in this work with you – some of the most incredible people I know. You inspire me and humble me every day.
If you would like to give today to help more people doing it tough, you can simply complete the form here or call us.
Anything you can give makes a direct and powerful difference to people in the bush.
Thank you for your continued support.
Rob Floyd, National Director