Unexpected acts of kindness

Unexpected acts of kindness

Have you ever noticed how it’s often the small, unexpected acts of kindness that make the tears fall? You might have experienced that yourself. Perhaps you were holding it together through a particularly tough time, staying strong, but then someone reaches out to you with …

Arriving in Roma

Arriving in Roma

Reverend Dona Spencer recently started her new chaplaincy after arriving in Roma. We caught up with her before she left to talk about the journey ahead. What made you decide to become a Bush Chaplain? Rev Dona: It wasn’t one single moment. It was a …

People making an extraordinary difference

People making an extraordinary difference

Outback Links volunteers are ordinary people making an extraordinary difference. They’re humble, hardworking, bighearted people like Ron and Gwen, who drive around the vast expanse of Western Australia, helping people living on the land. Ron urges everyone to volunteer with Frontier Services. “You don’t need …

The most incredible people

The most incredible people

Every day, I meet the most incredible people in my job here at Frontier Services. And every day, I am humbled by the courageous spirit of the people we help, and the people who help them – kind and generous people like you. I think …