Without even a church nearby

Without even a church nearby

After a series of tragedies, and without even a church nearby, a community in the Shire of Cook in Far North Queensland had been feeling isolated and abandoned. They told Bush Chaplain Joe Eka, “Even God has left us”. But thanks to your support, Bush Chaplain Joe could visit the community, bringing prayer, fellowship and …

There’s something about a rural show

There’s something about a rural show

There’s something about a rural show. It’s the sound of greetings called out to friends who haven’t met up in a year. It’s the smell of scones from the baking tent. It’s the celebration of everything that makes that region wonderful. And for the Frontier Services community, it’s the chance to connect. Our Bush Chaplains …

Learning on a full tummy

Learning on a full tummy

In a primary school in South Gippsland, school kids can now start their day of learning on a full tummy. Others now have a safe, comfy space to retreat to when things are overwhelming. While older kids going to high school finally have a computer to access classwork. And it’s all thanks to an extraordinary …

Making sure guests feel welcome

Making sure guests feel welcome

Lily and Carol spend their days and nights making sure guests feel welcome, and now our supporters have made them feel welcome, too. The two Ni-Vanuatu women are living in Curtin Springs, near Uluru, as part of the Pacific Labour Scheme. They’ve had to leave their family and culture behind in Vanuatu so they could …

Homecoming sparks hope in Buchan

Homecoming sparks hope in Buchan

The feeling of family is often tied to the place we grew up, where we forged our earliest memories. For many people in remote communities like Buchan, Victoria, that feeling of family is enough reason to never leave. Even when everything’s gone. When Mick looks over his family’s cattle farm today, he feels the same ...

Unexpected acts of kindness

Unexpected acts of kindness

Have you ever noticed how it’s often the small, unexpected acts of kindness that make the tears fall? You might have experienced that yourself. Perhaps you were holding it together through a particularly tough time, staying strong, but then someone reaches out to you with a kind hug or an offer of help with the …

Arriving in Roma

Arriving in Roma

Reverend Dona Spencer recently started her new chaplaincy after arriving in Roma. We caught up with her before she left to talk about the journey ahead. What made you decide to become a Bush Chaplain? Rev Dona: It wasn’t one single moment. It was a series of events that led me to strongly feel that …

People making an extraordinary difference

People making an extraordinary difference

Outback Links volunteers are ordinary people making an extraordinary difference. They’re humble, hardworking, bighearted people like Ron and Gwen, who drive around the vast expanse of Western Australia, helping people living on the land. Ron urges everyone to volunteer with Frontier Services. “You don’t need to be an expert. We started by looking on the …

The most incredible people

The most incredible people

Every day, I meet the most incredible people in my job here at Frontier Services. And every day, I am humbled by the courageous spirit of the people we help, and the people who help them – kind and generous people like you. I think of Scott and Jenny, who you’ll meet in the most …